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Wellington Event - The growing sophistication of fraud and scams impacting banking customers

  • 27 Aug 2024
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Deloitte, Level 12, 20 Customhouse Quay, Wellington

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TOPIC: The growing sophistication of fraud and scams impacting banking customers

 The Banking Ombudsman's Office often become involved as an independent party to investigate complaints between customers and their banks when they have been involved in scams and fraud.
Sarah Brooks - Deputy Banking Ombudsman - Prevention, is presenting on some of the growing sophistication of these frauds and scams that they have seen impacting banking customers, exploring the current regulatory landscape and looking forward to developments expected in 2024.
Sarah will also discuss the Banking Ombudsman Scheme's approach to fraud and scam complaints, including their fraud practice notes and recent case examples. 


Sarah Brooks -joined the Banking Ombudsman Scheme as Deputy Banking Ombudsman in 2023. Prior to this, Sarah has held legal, regulatory affairs and conduct review leadership roles at banks in New Zealand and Australia (including during the Australian Banking Royal Commission)
Sarah's profile is detailed on the Banking Ombudsman's website: https://bankomb.org.nz/about-us/banking-ombudsman

Their website also has anonymised Case Notes on recent investigations that they have been involved in.   


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